

Climate Conditions

The south of Algoma sits in climate zone F and transitions to G, H, and then I to the North. In the May-October period of 2014, Algoma experienced 1439-1603 growing degree days, 1850-2564 crop heat units, and 460-740mm precipitation. Its average growing season length is 183 days, the longest in Northern Ontario.


Soils in Algoma are predominantly shallow, Humo-ferric Podzol, generally under 2 feet deep and with occasional exposed bedrock. Goulais bay, Batchawana Bay, Sault Ste. Marie, Serpent River, and Salmay and Whitsun lakes have the largest tracts of deeper, well-drained soils. Soils in the area are complex and can very over short distances.


Raising livestock and dairy cattle are the primary farm activities in the area. 7,297 hectares were in use as pasture in 2011, with a total of 8,803 cattle and calves. Hay is the most common major field crop.

Notable Centres

Sault Ste. Marie

Located on the St. Marys river, Sault Ste. Marie is the third largest city in Northern Ontario, with a population of 75,000. An international bridge allows passage over the St. Marys river to the identically named city of Sault Ste. Marie in Michigan.

Temperatures in Sault Ste. Marie range from a mean of -9.9 in January and 17.9 in July. There are 123 frost-free days, with the average last spring frost occurring on May 29 and the first fall frost occurring on October 1. The area receives on average 651.3mm rain annually, falling over 109.9 days, with a peak mean monthly rainfall of 101.8mm in September.

Sault Ste. Marie is roughly 6 hours and 25 minutes from London, 7 hours and 14 minutes from Toronto, and 9 hours 39 minutes from Kingston.


Wawa is situated on the Trans Canada Highway between Sault Ste. Marie and Thunder Bay. Wawa had a population of 2975 in 2011.

Temperatures in Wawa range from a mean of -14 in January and 15.3 in August. There are 105 frost-free days, with the average last spring frost occurring on June 5 and the first fall frost occurring on September 18. The area receives on average 707.8mm rain annually, falling over 104.2 days, with a peak mean monthly rainfall of 121.8mm in September.

Wawa is roughly 8 hours and 46 minutes from London, 9 hours and 30 minutes from Toronto, and 11 hours 36 minutes from Kingston.