

Climate Conditions

Nipissing sits primarily in climate zone F, with the area surrounding Lake Nipissing sitting in climate zone E. Its growing season is an average of 180 days.


Soils over most of Nipissing are thin, stony, and well drained Podzols. Two-thirds of the area is labelled Class 7 or non-agricultural land.

Nipissing sits in plant hardiness zones 4a and 3b.


Beef cattle farming is one of the most common types of farm use in Nipissing. 6736 hectares were in use as pasture in 2011, with a total of 5363 cattle and calves. Hay is the most commonly grown major field crop. Total hired farm labour is 2273, with 1143 seasonal and 1130 year-round.

Notable Centres

North Bay

North Bay is the seat of Nipissing district, and sits on the Eastern shore of Lake Nipissing.

In the May-October period of 2014, North Bay experienced 1566 growing degree days, 2515 crop heat units, and 967mm of precipitation, Temperatures in North Bay range from a mean of -12.5 in January and 18.9 in July. There are 135 frost-free days, with the average last spring frost occurring on May 16 and the first fall frost occurring on September 29. The area receives on average 802.8mm rain annually, falling over 115.7 days, with a peak mean monthly rainfall of 115.2mm in September.

North Bay is roughly 4 hours and 35 minutes from London, 3 hours and 45 minutes from Toronto, and 5 hours 8 minutes from Kingston.