Expanding the cow herd in Northern Ontario is vital to retaining and expanding markets, increasing profitability and ensuring sustainability in the beef value chain, from farmer to processor to retailer.

We are committed to creating an affordable pathway for beginning and existing farmers to establish economically viable farm businesses of scale that will be sustainable for decades.

Our economic and management model will be brought to life and put into action, with a coordinated plan that will assist farmers in setting up beef farms that are designed to quickly achieve economies of scale in Northern Ontario, where land is affordable and the environmental conditions favour pasture-raised livestock.

Based on our extensive consultations and research, we are confident that the expansion of Ontario's beef industry in Northern Ontario will be an innovative and ground-breaking achievement for Ontario agriculture.

What’s New at Beef North

Lead-Follow Grazing System Demonstration Project

Click here to read the project results and recommendations!

Try out the Economic Model

Download the economic model that was developed to assist farmers in determining the feasibility of expansion.

Check out the CHE Chatter Blog

Catch up on the latest chatter about life in Northern Ontario directly from farmers and industry partners.

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